
Iranian youngest defender of Holy Shrine, Seyyed Mostafa Musavi, has been killed in fighting against terrorist groups in Syria on November 12, 2015 at age 20.
News ID: 385195    Publish Date : 2017/02/27

Special interview of NAVID SHAHED of FARS: one year passed from martyrdom of the Talabe martyr Muhammad Masrour who his blood not only colored the soil of Syria but also the eyes of his mother, his wife and lovers of Imam Hussein (a.s).
News ID: 385181    Publish Date : 2017/02/08

the supreme Leader said: if they do not stand in front of ill-wishers and instigators who are manipulated by USA and Israel in there (Syria) then we must fight with them in Tehran, Fars, Khorasan and Isfahan
News ID: 385152    Publish Date : 2017/01/07

With reports of NAVID SHAHED captain Mojtaba (Shahryar) Yadollahi, the young and brave ranger of Islamic Republic of Iran Army, was borne in 31th Farvardin of 1370 in Shahriyar (Tehran province) and in the evening of 21th of Farvardin 1395 in a hard battle in Aleppo’s countryside became martyr while he was commander of a group of 40 fighting martyrdom-seeking and they were fighting against terrorists of Isis.
News ID: 385150    Publish Date : 2017/01/03